A little info: 'Studiencolleg' is quite similar to the 'AUSMAT' course which I did in Malaysia. Usually it would take one year to complete, but since we have done AUSMAT, we had the exception of just doing it for 6 months. 'Feststellungsprüfung' is the name on the finals in this course. It'll decide in which FH (University of Applied Sciences) I'm qualified to study.. huhu..
Study sampai tertidur.. Ciannye... Huhu..
Nie pulak bosan study, sampai layan rubics.. Hehe..
Tekun ke study nie?..
10% markah datang dari kehenseman.. :P
Exam dah abiz! Weee~~
tipu! tipu! gambar di ambil tu time belum abes exam! ade lagi satu paper esok harinye hehe
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